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Our doors are open to all who have a commitment to Torah and mitzvos and a desire to grow spiritually. Our goal is to broaden our understanding of Judaism and through better understanding and practice of Torah, steadily grow each individual’s relationship with G-d.
See local Halachic Times on our home page
Sunday Daf Yomi - 7:00 AM
Sunday Shachris - 8:00 AM
Weekday Daf Yomi: Monday to Friday 6:30 AM
Weekday Shachris Monday to Friday- 7:30 AM
Weekday Minchah followed by Maariv - 20 minutes before the Shkiah
Friday Mincha & Kabbalas Shabbos 7:00 PM
Saturday Morning 9:30 AM
Saturday Mincha 8:15 PM
Saturday Maariv 9:55 PM
Sun, February 16 2025 18 Shevat 5785